Acupuncture is the science of treating pain, dysfunction, and energy imbalances in the body. Though this technique has been around for over 7,000 years, it’s only become acknowledged by the medical community since 1971. Thousands of patients have found pain relief and help with ailments that traditional medicine often misses. At Knoxville Family Chiropractic our acupuncturists have years of experience and can help you recover from many chronic conditions.
If you’re suffering from a chronic pain condition and have given up on traditional diagnoses, acupuncture may be right for you. The goal of acupuncture is to restore normalcy to your body’s energy balance using acupoints over 12 various area or meridians. It can help with a range of ailments including migraines, stress, digestive disorders, and much more.
While we’ve built a reputation for expert chiropractic alignments and adjustments, we’re also able to provide orthotic services as well. Orthotics is the science and daily treatment of misalignments in your back by use of special foot and ankle supports. Patients benefiting from orthotics include those who suffer from spinal cord injury, back injury, cerebral palsy, strokes and walking imbalances. Stop by our practice in Knoxville and learn more about how orthotics can return the spring to your step!
At Knoxville Family Chiropractic we believe in not just treating the symptoms but treating the underlying conditions that cause you pain. From our acupuncturists who can help mitigate chronic pain conditions to our nutritionists who can advise you on proper diet, we’re here to support your mind, body and spirit. When you come to our practice we’ll look at healing options that you may be unaware of.
Let our skilled practitioners guide you on the path to holistic well-being. Contact us today at 309-289-9777.
Phone: (309) 289-9777
Fax: (309) 388-4299
Address: 106 E Public Sq Knoxville, IL 61448
We accept insurance, Medicare, and all major credit cards